Rizhao City Lanshan Fukai Rubber Products Co Ltd
Contacts:Manager Wang
Mobile phone:13676331705
Add:Industrial Park, middle Town, Arashiyama District, Shandong, Rizhao City

Detailed content   Home >> What are the important factors of the deformation of silicone seal products?
What are the important factors of the deformation of silicone seal products?

In many silicone products which tend to be deformation occurring during use, such as the common silica gel ring as an example, some sealing products and metal pressing long-term adhesion force, through frequent cause of silicone ring appears not to rebound, not stress phenomenon, some long-term use of seals in the bad environment, such as oxygen the effect of light, heat, aging phenomenon in disguise, so in the early for silicone seals use environment and time to consider the material and product is able to maintain a long life, is not affected by the elastic etc.. 

During use, all kinds of high and low temperature is a major factor affecting the product, although the silicone material can accept more than 200 degrees to -40 degrees temperature, but in the long run, suitable for harsh conditions of heat will accelerate the aging of silicone ring, the higher the temperature, the product deformation will be larger, and the largest by silica gel material the deformation in general more than 40% will completely lose performance, resulting in seal leakage and other reasons. In the case of low temperature, it can be recommended to increase the amount of compression and the degree of elongation. In low temperature conditions, it is necessary to pay attention to the phenomenon of product necrosis and deformation and cracking. 

Tensile strength is one of the main operation ability of silicone ring, the tensile strength and hardness of the material used in the production of silicone products so manufacturers will choose the corresponding, so for the long-term repeated use of demand can choose high strength silicone material production, to prevent the product with the increase of time and affect the product performance. Due to the long-term operation of silicone rubber cases beyond the tension range when using often the product becomes loose, loss of tension, so the work involved in the condition of sufficient tensile strength decreased, the greatest impact factors of deformation of the silicone material used for a long time, thus reducing the work pressure is the best way to keep the seal, in addition the use of high-quality materials in product performance, high strength and hardness of the product performance is higher, the quality of the products.

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Contacts:Manager Wang Mobile phone:13676331705
Telephone:0633-6432823 Fax:0633-6808823
Add:Industrial Park, middle Town, Arashiyama District, Shandong, Rizhao City
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