Rizhao City Lanshan Fukai Rubber Products Co Ltd
Contacts:Manager Wang
Mobile phone:13676331705
Add:Industrial Park, middle Town, Arashiyama District, Shandong, Rizhao City

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What are the uses of silicone products?

What are the uses of silicone products? 

Silicone products are odorless, pollution-free environmental protection products, and its use in our daily life is very extensive, and today, silicone products have what use? Let's take a look at it. What are the uses of silicone products in everyday life?. 

The main raw material of silica gel products is silica gel. However, silica gel can be divided into coarse pore silica gel and pore silica gel according to the way of use. Macroporous silica gel is mainly used for some soft silica gel products, and the pore silica gel is mainly used for the silica gel products with slightly higher hardness. The ratio of the two is very different, and the content of silica gel is different. Here are some examples of the use of silicone products. 

1, silica gel products are the production of copiers, keyboards, electronic dictionaries, remote control, toys, silica gel buttons and other indispensable components. 

2, can be used to make durable forming gaskets, electronic parts packaging materials, automotive electronic parts maintenance materials. 

3, can be used to make electronic components, molding high point press edge. 

4, can be used in the production of conductive silica gel, medical silica gel, foam silicone, mold silica gel and so on. 

5, for housing construction and repair, high-speed kilometers, joint sealing, bridge sealing and other sealing works. 

6, can be used for baby supplies, mother and baby supplies, baby bottles, bottle protection cover. 

7, can be used in kitchen products, kitchenware production and related auxiliary kitchen ware 

8, can be used in medical equipment parts, because of its colorless, tasteless, non-toxic and other characteristics, widely used in the medical industry Thus, the use of silica gel products is very broad, almost involved in all aspects of life, the main reason is that silica gel is an environmentally friendly non-toxic substances, and does not rely on the shortage of oil resources.

Contacts:Manager Wang Mobile phone:13676331705
Telephone:0633-6432823 Fax:0633-6808823
Add:Industrial Park, middle Town, Arashiyama District, Shandong, Rizhao City
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